Tell Amazon: Stop selling bee-killing neonic pesticides
As gardeners and homeowners prepare for the new year, here are four tips to make a yard and garden that’s beautiful, natural and pollinator-friendly.
Winter is a chance for people to make big improvements in their gardening techniques and set their gardens or lawns up for success in the spring. That’s why we’ve put together a list of four things that you can do to beautify your garden while also making it toxic-free for your family and a thriving home for pollinators.
Winter offers gardeners the perfect opportunity to make new resolutions and plans for their gardens and lawns. Once the spring comes and the plants start growing, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day work of tending to your garden, so if you want to make any big changes to your gardening, we recommend starting them now.
Preparation for the perfect garden starts with the seeds. That’s why you should take the winter to fully educate yourself about which seeds to buy.
The best seeds are the ones that attract pollinators, the bees and butterflies that can turn your garden into a thriving mini-ecosystem. America’s pollinators have been on the decline in recent decades, but with the right preparation, you can make your garden a perfect home for them.
Unsurprisingly, pollinators love flowers. And since many pollinators use flowers as a source of food, they do best when you plant a variety of flowers that bloom at all times of year. We recommend a combination of annuals and perennials, like, for example, mixing marigold and sunflower with aster and coneflower. The end result will be a garden that isn’t just multicolored and for all seasons, but one that your flowers’ winged friends will love.
One of the primary reasons that pollinators are struggling is the rampant overuse of pesticides, especially a class of pollinator-killing pesticides called neonics. Neonics kill bees by attacking their nervous systems, and a small quantity of the toxin can poison an entire hive. They are one of the most commonly-used types of pesticide, so they can be difficult to avoid. Even many plant nurseries sell neonic-infused flowers.
And pesticides aren’t just a problem for pollinators. When pesticides run off plants and flow into waterways, they can harm whole ecosystems, including endangered species. Some types of commonly-used pesticide, like glyphosate (the main ingredient of Roundup) have also been linked to cancer in humans.
In light of all these dangers, the one of the best things you can do for the health of both your garden and your family is to prepare for a no-pesticide year.
One of the easiest ways to reduce pesticide use, as well as helping pollinators, is by growing more native plants in your garden.
Native plants are easier to grow than foreign ones, and they’re the favorite food of some of America’s most beautiful and iconic pollinators. Consider the native milkweed. It’s the only plant that monarch butterflies can eat or lay their eggs on. In recent years, the decline of the milkweed has caused monarch populations to plummet by as much as 90%. Planting some native milkweed is an easy way to both give the monarchs a hand and invite some dazzling butterflies into your garden.
Start your research now and take the extra time to learn about new plants to add to your garden and yard. Your local garden center can be a great resource to find out about native plants for your area.
Finally, consider investing in electric lawn-care technology. In addition to their annoying noise, gas-powered lawnmowers and leafblowers release a shocking amount of pollution. The particulate matter released by the nation’s gasoline lawncare devices is equivalent to the annual exhaust of 234 million cars. Electric devices, on the other hand, are cleaner, greener and much quieter, a far better fit for a peaceful garden or lawn.
In the long term, electric lawn care tools are often less expensive than traditional gasoline devices because you don’t need to feed them an unending supply of gas. And some cities and states have made electric lawn care still more viable with generous subsidies or buyback programs. All in all, it’s never been a better time to invest in the future with electric lawn equipment.
We tend gardens and lawns to create spaces of beauty and relaxation, for children to play in and neighbors to admire. Why wouldn’t you want it to be the healthiest, greenest and safest place it can be? Starting to prepare for spring now can make this year the greenest one yet.