Sammy Herdman
Former Save The Boreal Forest Campaign, Associate, Environment America Research & Policy Center
Environment America Research & Policy Center delivered 21,622 petition signatures to The Home Depot, the largest home improvement retailer in the world. The petition called upon The Home Depot to ensure that the wood sold by the company is harvested in a manner that protects the boreal and other climate-critical forests around the globe.
The Canadian boreal forest is the largest remaining primary forest on the planet. It stores 300 billion tons of carbon, provides habitat for threatened boreal caribou, billions of birds and a multitude of other species. The boreal is essential to the sustenance and culture of hundreds of Indigenous communities. Unfortunately, one and a half football fields’ worth of the forest are cut down every minute to produce softwood lumber, wood pulp and other products. American companies like The Home Depot contribute to demand for these products
This petition calls on The Home Depot to use its purchasing power to protect the boreal forest, which is critically important for the climate, biological diversity and the communities that rely upon it.
Learn more about our Home Depot campaign here.