Over 80 people called in to a marathon, seven-hour virtual meeting on Monday, September 12, to urge the Biden Administration to end offshore drilling leasing. Activists from the Gulf Coast to the heart of Alaska spoke about the damages wrought by this polluting industry at the meeting, hosted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The Biden Administration’s proposed 2023-2028 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program could schedule as many as 10 lease sales within the Gulf of Mexico and one in the Cook Inlet of Alaska.
With environmentalists and those opposing new lease sales outnumbering those in favor of expanded drilling in our nation’s waters, it was a strong signal to the administration that they should change course and move towards a future with no new offshore drilling.
Drilling opponents raised concerns about the proposed lease sales, highlighting how offshore oil drilling is damaging coastal ecosystems and communities, and driving climate change.
Environment America Research & Policy Center staff, as well as staff from our state & partner organizations, added their voices to the chorus opposing drilling. A few highlights:
Here in Anchorage, we had one of the driest Junes ever on record, and one of the wettest Augusts…We need to eliminate the use of fossil fuels as quickly as possible.Dyani Chapman Alaska Environment State Director
Ian Giancarlo, Oceans Advocate: “We need to usher in the beginning of the end of offshore drilling in our oceans so that we may have a sustainable future: one that has clean beaches free from oil, clean air free from smog, and a thriving global environment free from fossil fuels.”
Kelsey Lamp, Protect Our Oceans Campaign Director: “Even when we avoid catastrophic oil spills, offshore drilling takes a toll on our coastal ecosystems and communities.”
Dyani Chapman, Alaska Environment Director: “Here in Anchorage, we had one of the driest Junes ever on record, and one of the wettest Augusts…We need to eliminate the use of fossil fuels as quickly as possible.”
My family loves the Gulf of Mexico. We take every chance we can... to swim in the waters of the Gulf. But on the horizon loom the rigs. Let’s not add to their number.Luke Metzger Environment Texas State Director
Ryan Giunta, U.S. PIRG Transportation Associate: “If we’re serious about combating climate change, moving forward with offshore drilling lease sales is the wrong course of action to take.”
Luke Metzger, Environment Texas Director: “My family loves the Gulf of Mexico. We take every chance we can… to swim in the waters of the Gulf. But on the horizon loom the rigs. Let’s not add to their number.”
The open comment period will continue until October 6th, all members of the public are encouraged to make their voice heard and join us in the fight to end offshore drilling leasing.
Director, Protect Our Oceans Campaign, Environment America Research & Policy Center
Kelsey directs Environment America's national campaigns to protect our oceans. Kelsey lives in Boston, where she enjoys cooking, reading and exploring the city.