Environment America, Environment Minnesota endorse Betty McCollum for Congress

For immediate release: Friday, August 5, 2022

Contact: Mark Morgenstein, Media Relations Director, 678-427-1671, [email protected]

Environment America, Environment Minnesota endorse Betty McCollum for Congress
U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-04) running for re-election in Aug. 9 Primary

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Environment America and its state office Environment Minnesota announced Friday they are endorsing U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum for re-election in Minnesota’s 4th Congressional District, which encompasses the City of St. Paul, most of Ramsey County and parts of Washington County. Environment Minnesota urges all voters in the district who care about our environment to vote in the Democratic primary on Tuesday, August 9 to keep Betty McCollum working for us in Washington.

“From protecting the Boundary Waters to combating climate change and supporting clean energy and public transportation, Betty McCollum has been a leader in the House of Representatives, preserving our health and environment,” said Environment Minnesota member and 4th Congressional District resident Anne Davini-Johnson. “We need to go to the polls Tuesday, August 9, to make sure that McCollum can continue to champion Minnesotans’ priorities in Congress.”

As Chair of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee and Vice Chair of the House Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, Rep. McCollum has been an effective champion for the environment, leading efforts to clean up toxic PFAS (otherwise known as “forever chemicals”) and protect clean air and clean water. In addition, the Congresswoman has advocated for our nation’s wildernesses, national parks and forests, including Minnesota’s beloved Boundary Waters. For example, she introduced the Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act (H.R. 2794) to permanently protect federal lands and waters within the Superior National Forest from risky sulfide-ore copper mining.

The environmental community has recognized McCollum for her commitment and effectiveness in protecting the environment. In 2016 she received the Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award from the National Park Trust. This award, given annually to a public servant who has “demonstrated a lifetime of outstanding service, skill, resourcefulness or innovation in the preservation of land, water or historic resources for the legacy of America,” honors the memory of Congressman Bruce Vento, Rep. McCollum’s predecessor in Congress from Minnesota’s 4th District and a former Chair of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands.


Environment America is a national network of 30 state environmental groups. Our staff work together for clean air, clean water, clean energy, wildlife and open spaces, and a livable climate. Our members across the United States put grassroots support behind our research and advocacy. 

Environment America is part of The Public Interest Network, which operates and supports organizations committed to a shared vision of a better world and a strategic approach to social change.

Environment America Action Fund works to protect our environment by supporting candidates for public office who champion clean air, clean water, wilderness preservation, and strong action to prevent global warming. The Environment America Action Fund is a part of the Environment America family of organizations.


Paid for by Environment America Action Fund–www.environmentamericaactionfund.org–and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
