Putting America on the Path to Clean Energy: A Presidential Plan of Action for the First 100 Days

The 44th president of the United States will enter office on January 20, 2009 facing an unprecedented energy crisis, and boundless clean energy opportunities.


Environment California

Executive Summary

The 44th president of the United States will enter office on January 20, 2009 facing an unprecedented energy crisis, and boundless clean energy opportunities.

America’s addiction to dirty and dangerous sources of energy is the root cause of America’s energy crisis and is responsible for many of the nation’s biggest challenges. Americans are hungry for leaders who understand these challenges—and who have the vision and commitment needed to launch America on a clean energy path.

The next president must pledge, now during the campaign season, to commit to make clean energy a top priority. Then, when the 44th president assumes office in early 2009, he or she must act aggressively and promptly— beginning with the first 100 days —to lead America to a clean, secure energy future.

This paper lays out twelve achievable yet ambitious actions – ranging from increasing energy efficiency to installing more solar power – which the next president should, at a minimum, take within the first 100 days in office to put America on the clean energy path. This list is not meant to be exhaustive of all the clean energy actions the president could take. Instead, it offers a minimum level of action that the president should take if he or she truly wishes to put America on the path toward clean energy.

“First 100 Days” Presidential Actions for Clean Energy

1. Announce clear clean energy goals for America

2. Make appliances and equipment more efficient

3. Make America’s buildings more efficient

4. Reduce oil consumption in transportation

5. Increase renewable energy

6. Make solar power a cornerstone of our energy future

7. Invest in clean energy R&D

8. Prioritize efficiency and renewables at utilities

9. Place a moratorium on all new coal plants

10. Place a moratorium on new nuclear power

11. Fight global warming

12. Create partnerships with local governments to achieve national clean energy goals.

This paper closely follows a previous Environment America publication, “Clean Energy for America: Why the 44th President Must Put America on the Clean Energy Path,” that explains why the next president can and must act immediately to address America’s growing energy crisis. This report lays out a broader course of action for meeting America’s future energy needs with energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy. It is available for download from www.environmentcalifornia.org.