Testimony: Transition California’s dirty diesel trucks to electric trucks

Environment California's clean energy advocate, Steven King, testified before the Air Resources Board calling on them to pass the Advanced Clean Fleet standard for pollution-free trucks in California. Read his comments below:

Clean air

Robson Hatsukami Morgan | Unsplash.com

“I’m calling on the Air Resources Board to vote unanimously in favor of the Advanced Clean Fleet standard. This historic vote will eventually put an end to diesel death in California by gradually transitioning dirty diesel truck fleets to pollution-free technologies.

Voting for the Advanced Clean Fleet standard will save lives by cutting harmful air pollution and dangerous climate pollution caused by trucks, which contributes to escalating climate impacts like extreme heat, wildfires, drought, and more. We’re running out of time to cut this deadly pollution and avert the worst impacts of climate change. Cars and trucks are the number one source of pollution causing these devastating fires, extreme weather, and air quality crises, and it will only get worse if we don’t act quickly. 

We need zero emission technologies like electric trucks to meet our climate goals. Electric truck technology is here now and will grow and expand vehicle options to meet the diverse needs of different industries. The funding for the infrastructure we need for this transition is already being supported by historic state, utility and private sector investments, and billions of dollars in state and federal investment will make sure it continues to grow. California is leading the way on zero emission cars, so there is no reason why we shouldn’t also lead on deploying zero emission trucks to expand the environmental and health benefits of these technologies. Additionally, we must not allow exemptions for natural gas that will wed us to polluting trucks and infrastructure for years to come.

No Californian should have to suffer daily from dirty air and impacts from the climate crisis. The Air Resources Board has a historic opportunity to improve public health and protect our environment, while setting us on the right track to meet our climate goals. Please vote yes on the Advanced Clean Fleet standard to protect Californians and the air we breathe every day.”


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