Getting to 100% by 2030

California Energy Commission comments

Environment California appreciates the opportunity to comment on the SB 100 Draft Results and the associated September 2 workshop. We appreciate the thorough collaboration among agencies and the effort that has gone into developing and presenting a range of scenarios, the workshop and those that preceded it, and the responsiveness the agencies have shown to stakeholder comments over the course of the past year. 


Environment California

In that spirit, and amid the tragic and prophetic backdrop of another record-setting wildfire season that has engulfed the state in smoke and ash for several weeks, we write in strong support of the scenario that would achieve the goals of SB 100 by 2030. We were heartened to recently hear the Governor endorse accelerating the SB 100 and other climate targets. Accordingly, we urge you to: 

· Adopt as statewide goals in the SB 100 report 100 percent zero-carbon energy (that is, SB 100 compliance) by 2030 and zero greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector by 2035

· Quantify the social (at least climate, if not health) benefits associated with meeting these targets. 

· Explore additional strategies to most effectively meet these targets with minimum costs and cumulative greenhouse gas emissions.

· Immediately take steps to support and deploy the technologies that will be needed to most effectively meet these targets. In addition to a lot more energy efficiency, distributed and utility-scale solar and batteries, these technologies include offshore wind, long duration energy storage, demand response and possibly other zero carbon firm resources.