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Right to Repair
Safe Energy
Composting & Recycling
Wildlife Over Waste
Make Polluters Pay
Ban Toxic Pesticides
Litigation Project
The Clean Water Network
Protecting Our Waters
Regional Climate Action
Fossil Fuel Free
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Go Big On Offshore Wind
100% Renewable
Go Solar
Protect Our Oceans
Protect Our Public Lands
Save America’s Wildlife
Preserve Our Forests
More You Can Do
Tell Secretary Haaland to create the Wigi-Humboldt Bay and Dunes National Monument
I feel very lucky. I have the great fortune of doing work that allows me to overcome that sense of helplessness that can accompany seeing all of these problems in the world. And I get work alongside my role models -- the changemakers who know that what the world needs more than anything are great organizers for the right causes.Danielle Melgar, Food & Agriculture Advocate