California Makes Clean Car History, Again
Over 10,000 Consumers Sign Petition in Support of Decision
Environment California
California Makes Clean Car History, Again
Over 10,000 Consumers Sign Petition in Support of Decision
Los Angeles – The California Air Resources Board (ARB) made automotive history today, as it is has done repeatedly over the past forty years. The internationally renowned state agency passed the strongest clean car standards in the nation that will dramatically cut air pollution and save thousands of lives. The regulations will cut smog-forming pollution from tailpipes by 75% and will push the new car market closer to the ultimate goal of 100% zero emission vehicles.
“Once again, California is in the driver’s seat when it comes to cleaning up our cars and trucks,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, Clean Energy Program Director with Environment California. “With today’s vote, the American automobile is soon to become much cleaner.”
At the hearing, Environment California delivered over 10,000 public comments to the ARB in favor of stronger standards. The petitions were signed by residents throughout the state and demonstrate just a fraction of the broad public support that exists for advancing technological solutions to our most stubborn problem: air pollution.
The rule requires automakers to start producing cleaner cars in California, ramping up production of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) so that in 2025, 15% of cars will be fully electric, hybrid or run on hydrogen.
According to Environment California Research & Policy Center’s 2010 report, Clean Cars in California: Four Decades of Progress in the Unfinished Battle to Clean Up Our Air, aggressive emissions standards for cars work. They clean up our air and drive innovation in the state. California passed the world’s first car emissions standard in 1966, and continued to push for better standards thereafter. Today’s cars are now 99% cleaner because of it.
Still, the top ten counties with the worst air quality nationwide are in California, and cars and trucks are still the largest contributor to the problem. Every day, cars and trucks emit 2 million pounds of smog-forming pollution.
“This ruling is a huge victory toward ensuring everyone in California breathes clean air,” said Del Chiaro.