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Senior Advisor, Environment California
aka- did Governor Brown forget our Mother Earth this Mother’s Day.
Environment California
1- State parks- Does the May revise keep the parks open this year? For over twelve months the Governor has proposed closing 70 state parks (this number has fluctuated in the past 3 months) to save $11 million. Closing parks is bad for the environment and bad for our economy.
2- Fracking- Does the May revise continue to allow fracking in California? The May revise should direct funds to Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGER) to come up with rules and regulations to determine if fracking is needed in California, and if it is to ensure that it is done safely. Until that time the state should halt all fracking.
3- Global warming- Does the May revise raid clean energy funds? For months Sacramento insiders have talked of digging into funds established by AB 32 to help balance the general fund. This is a mistake. Clean energy is the one bright spot in our economy.