Pinnacles National Park Act Headed to President’s Desk
Rock Climbing Paradise Gets Special Status
Environment California
Sacramento- Environment California was thrilled to see Congress pass the Pinnacles National Park Act last Sunday, amidst the turmoil of the Fiscal Cliff negotiations. The bipartisan bill upgrades the protection status of Pinnacles National Monument, located in central California near Soledad, to that of a National Park.
“Making Pinnacles our newest National Park is a perfect way to start the New Year,” said Mac Farrell, Preservation Associate for Environment California. “This is a refreshing reminder that we can all agree on protecting the places we love, no matter what side of the political spectrum we land on. Environment California looks forward to seeing President Obama sign this Act into law.”
Pinnacles National Monument stretches across 26,000 acres and is home to volcanic rock formations that attract rock climbers from all around. Pinnacles is also a critical habitat for Peregrine Falcons and the California Condor, a species that has been on the rebound thanks to the protection it has found in places like Pinnacles National Monument.
The House bill was sponsored by Reps. Sam Farr (D-Carmel) and Jeff Denham (R-Atwater) and the Senate version was sponsored by California Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.