Dan Jacobson
Senior Advisor, Environment California
Senior Advisor, Environment California
Environment California
Sacramento—In wake of the state Legislature passing weak fracking regulations, environmental groups are calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to completely ban fracking in California to protect the state’s water, air, beautiful places and progress against global warming.
“Fracking is a dirty and dangerous form of drilling. It uses millions of gallons of water, water we just can’t spare. It pollutes our air, it destroys beautiful places and it keeps us addicted to fossil fuels at the exact time we need to be moving toward more clean energy like wind and solar,” said Dan Jacobson legislative director for Environment California.
Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) is the high-pressure injection of water, sand and chemicals into underground shale rock formations. Fracking breaks up the shale and allows the oil or gas trapped within it to flow to the surface. While oil companies have been using some form of hydraulic fracturing for decades, new techniques allow fracking to be used in more places and with far greater impact on the environment.
So far this year, over 160,000 Californian’s have signed petitions to Gov. Jerry Brown calling for a ban on fracking.
This year, the legislature debated a number of bills to impose a moratorium on fracking and to impose regulations on fracking.
“At a time when the legislative process failed to protect our environment and our safety, we are calling on Governor Brown to halt all fracking in California,” said Jacobson.
The Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGER) is working on regulations for fracking. According to their web page, “California’s requirements for the protection of underground resources and well construction standards provide a first line of protection from potential damage caused by hydraulic fracturing. However, California’s regulations do not require notification to the Division when hydraulic fracturing occurs. There is a gap between the requirements placed on oil and gas operators to safely construct and maintain their wells, and the information they provide to the Division about hydraulic fracturing operations and steps taken to protect resources and the environment. The Department’s pending regulatory process is intended to close that gap.”
“When the state’s own agency admits that they don’t have the tools necessary to protect our air and water, it is time for the governor to step in and put a stop to fracking in California,” said Jacobson.