Tell Congress: Let Americans choose clean energy
Congress shouldn't make it harder to choose clean energy.
A plan that would put solar out of reach for most Californians was put on hold thanks in part to the voices of tens of thousands of state residents.
A plan that would put solar out of reach for most Californians was put on hold thanks in part to the voices of tens of thousands of state residents.
After decision-makers heard opposition from 120,000 Californians and 70 organizations, on Feb. 3, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) announced it would delay its controversial rooftop solar plan “until further notice.” Environment California played a leading role drumming up opposition to the anti-solar proposal, which former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called “Another case of the big guys — the investor-owned utilities — fighting for themselves and hurting people who have invested or want to invest in solar panels,” in The New York Times. Environment California previously worked with Gov. Schwarzenegger to successfully implement the Million Solar Roofs Initiative. With record droughts and devastating wildfire besieging the state, now is not the time to slow down.
Environment California now looks forward to the CPUC issuing an amended decision that supports the expansion of rooftop solar.
Read more about the decision.
Learn more about our Save California Solar campaign.
Photo: Wendy Wendlandt, president of Environment America Research & Policy Center, spoke to thousands of people who attended a rally to save solar. Credit: CALSSA
Congress shouldn't make it harder to choose clean energy.
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Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Energy Conservation & Efficiency