New Environment America Ad in Times Square: Pres. Obama and the Nation Should Address Global Warming

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Nathan Willcox

Environment America Research & Policy Center

Washington, D.C. —Today, Environment America launched an ad on the CBS “Super Screen” in Times Square Plaza in Manhattan—not far from the scene of Hurricane Sandy’s devastating impact last fall—calling on President Obama and all Americans to join together to address global warming. The 10-second ad will run once an hour, 18 times a day for the next two months.

“This ad on one of the biggest screens in the world highlights global warming as the biggest threat facing our environment, our health and future generations,” said Nathan Willcox, Environment America’s federal global warming program director. “President Obama secured historic first steps in addressing the problem in his first term. And his words about addressing the problem have been positive. Now, with the support of the American people, we’re counting on him to take strong action to finish the job.”

“If we want to spare our children and future generations from the worst impacts of global warming, we can no longer allow power plants to emit climate-changing levels of carbon pollution, and we simply cannot have projects like the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline polluting our planet,” Willcox concluded. “Our health, our environment and our future depend on both the president and the American people having the courage and wisdom to make the right choices now.”

The ad can be viewed at, where people can also send an email to the President in support of him addressing global warming.