Sign by December 4: Don’t log old-growth trees in Colorado’s Pike National Forest

The Pike and San Isabel National Forests’ mature and old-growth trees provide wildlife habitat to endangered species and clean water for communities, but the Lower North-South Vegetation Management (LNS) Project would chop down valuable older trees.

We can protect communities from fire without chopping down our oldest trees and degrading critical wildlife habitat.

The Lower North-South project proposes logging with no protections for endangered or threatened species such as the Mexican Spotted Owl, the Preble’s Meadow Jumping Mouse, and the American Goshawk.

The Lower North-South Project is inconsistent with President Biden’s Executive Order 14072, which directs federal agencies to conserve mature and old-growth forests. The proposal contains no protections for older trees in the Pike National Forest.

I urge you to withdraw or reconsider the scope of the Lower North South Vegetation Management Project.


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