In a new study, researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory examined how much solar power America could install atop federally-controlled water reservoirs. The study found that putting solar panels on federal reservoirs has an estimated potential of 861 to 1,042 GW of capacity, enough to to power roughly 100 million homes. At the end of 2023, the United States had installed enough solar to power 22 million homes.
Floating solar, which uses pontoons or plastic floats to suspend panels above water, offer a few unique advantages. Despite higher initial costs compared to ground-mounted panels, floating solar arrays capture sunlight without using valuable land and cool waters can help the panels run more efficiently. The panels also shade water, helping to limit water loss due to evaporation.
“The immense potential for floating solar, even when just looking at federal reservoirs, serves as a reminder that America is just scratching the surface of its solar potential, said Johanna Neumann, Senior Director of the Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy at Environment America Research & Policy Center. “The sun shows up for free, every day and without the health-harming pollution that comes from burning coal or gas.”