100 Colorado Residents Celebrate Imminent Climate Action

Environment Colorado

Lakewood, CO – As details emerge of an historic global warming plan expected within days from President Obama, 100 Lakewood and Denver area residents hosted a solar energy themed picnic to show support for bold action on climate.

“Coloradoans are here to be a part of history,” said Paul Mooney, global warming solutions organizer with Environment Colorado, the local non-profit environmental advocacy organization that helped organize the picnic “Our message here and all over the country today is that we’re ready to join the president in confronting the biggest environmental challenge of our time.”

Representative Tyler (D-Lakewood) joined Environment Colorado and its allies to applaud what’s expected to be the most significant action America has taken to solve global warming. “With national leadership we’ve taken in clean, renewable energy over the last several years, as well as the resourcefulness of Coloradoans, I know we can meet the goals laid out in the Clean Power Plan”

Set to become final by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in early August, the proposed Clean Power Plan requires Colorado to cut carbon pollution from power plants, the single largest source of carbon pollution fueling global warming in the nation, 35 percent by 2030. 

The proposed Clean Power Plan encourages states to meet their individualized pollution reduction requirements – and to help stave off more wildfires and allergy and asthma attacks that come with a worsening climate – with a mix of energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy options, like more solar and wind power. 

Chris Gorrie, the Campus President of Ecotech, told the audience that Colorado’s clean energy industry stands ready to meet and exceed Clean Power Plan requirements. “I’ve seen firsthand the careers being created by the clean tech industry and am excited to see the Clean Power Plan expand on this success.”

At the event, Coloradoans called the local office of U.S. Senator Bennet urging him to keep fighting for a safe and sustainable climate by vocally championing the Clean Power Plan – and Sen. Gardner office also received calls asking him to acknowledge climate science and support the Clean Power Plan as well.

“The time for climate leadership is right now,” Kim Stevens, State Director for Environment Colorado said. “In order for this landmark climate action to make it past polluter-backed attacks in Congress, we need Sens. Gardner and Bennet both to speak up and commit their support for the Clean Power Plan now.”


Environment Colorado is a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization dedicated to clean air, clean water, and open space. For more information, please visit www.environmentcolorado.org.