Can you imagine a world filled with more national parks to enjoy and more wilderness to explore? So can we. And we’re working together to make that vision a reality.
We need nature. Whether it’s the thrill of climbing higher than ever before or the wind through the trees as we walk through the woods, people get something out of the great outdoors that we don’t get from our smartphones or from walking down city streets. Unfortunately, many of these special places are at risk, threatened by mining, drilling and logging.
We live in the country that created the world’s first national parks. It’s time to lean into our nation’s long legacy of conservation and protect the special natural places that we love, both for our own enjoyment and for the sake of the amazing animals that inhabit them.
Many of America’s most iconic places are under pressure like never before — from mining near the iconic Grand Canyon to development threatening the natural balance of the Everglades, to continued efforts to drill for oil and gas in the Arctic. That’s why we’re working to convince decision-makers to protect and preserve our national parks and the other special places that define our country, and our state.
Tell your U.S. senators: Protect the Dolores River Canyon Country
The future of the Dolores River Canyon Country is uncertain--imperiled by the long-term impacts of climate change and by the threat of development, including renewed interest in mining.