Environment Colorado congratulates U.S. Senate win for environmental champ, Michael Bennet
Environment Colorado
Denver – With over 87 percent of precincts reporting, Colorado voters chose to elect environmental champ Michael Bennet to the U.S. Senate over Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck.
“Bennet defied national trends thanks in part to his support of creating clean energy jobs and protecting the environment,” said Pam Kiely, program director of Environment Colorado. “Bennet’s victory shows that clean energy is still a clear win at the ballot.”
“We’re pleased that Colorado voters backed a clean energy champ over Big Oil campaign dollars,” continued Kiely. “Environment Colorado congratulates Michael Bennet on his amazing U.S. Senate win. He campaigned hard, and he championed a key issue for Colorado voters, building the New Energy Economy.”
Since his appointment in 2009, Sen. Bennet advocated for a federal renewable electricity standard which would make Colorado a clean energy exporter and continue to bring more New Energy Economy jobs to Colorado which will clean-up our air and cut global warming pollution.
By stark contrast, his opponent Buck had sided with anti-environment extremist Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, calling man-made global warming a hoax and called on increased oil and gas drilling.
With Big Oil and other special interests opposed to clean energy solutions spent over $69.5 million nationwide (including $330,190 in state), Environment Colorado worked closely with other groups such as Progressive Future to elect candidates who would stand up against polluters and extremists.
In total, Environment Colorado opened up seven voter turnout offices in Denver, Boulder, Greeley, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo knocking on tens of thousands of doors across the state.
“Environment Colorado looks forward to continuing to work with environmental champ, Sen. Michael Bennet. We hope Congress will follow the will of the people in Colorado and not the millions spent by Big Oil and other polluters,” said Kiely.