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2025 look-ahead: protecting consumers, nature; cleaning up our air, water
PIRG, Environment America and their state groups are looking ahead to key consumer, health and environmental opportunities in 2025.
How coal mining harms the environment
Coal mining harms our lands, waters, and wildlife even before burning contributes to coal air pollution and climate change
Good News: Congressional attacks on policies protecting nature thwarted
Amendments to undermine the bipartisan Land and Water Conservation Fund and 100-year-old Antiquities Act were thwarted in Congress. But attempts to undermine efforts to protect public lands in CO, OR and MN are still moving forward.
A bill to strip the gray wolf of (needed) protections
The U.S. House passed a bill to remove Endangered Species Act protections for the gray wolf. Precedent tells us that if this becomes law, it could prove fatal for wolf recovery efforts.
STATEMENT: Votes Scheduled In House On Anti-Nature Legislation
Lawmakers to vote on bills that would undermine protections put in place by Biden administration