Rivers & lakes

Our country’s lakes, rivers and streams give life to ecosystems and people alike from coast to coast. Now it’s time we protect them as the life-giving resources they are.

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Statement: Introduction of Roadless Area Conservation Act in Congress is a key step to safeguarding America’s wild spaces


Statement: Introduction of Roadless Area Conservation Act in Congress is a key step to safeguarding America’s wild spaces

 Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington and Reps. Ruben Gallego of Arizona and Diana DeGette of Colorado introduced the Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2021 Tuesday with 15 Senate cosponsors and 60 House co-sponsors. This new act would reinforce the 2001 Roadless Rule, which was enacted as a federal regulation by the Clinton administration 20 years ago today.

Media Statements  

Celebrate National Hiking Day

Wildlife & wild places

Celebrate National Hiking Day

We live in an amazingly beautiful country that boasts stunning forests, mountains, and waterways. National Hiking Day is the perfect opportunity to grab our boots and head outdoors with your family where we can really appreciate the immense wonders of our natural ‘backyard’. 

Statement: U.S. House passes major public lands bill

Wildlife & wild places

Statement: U.S. House passes major public lands bill

"With today’s passage of this bill, we’re one step away from putting a lock and key on funding that has always been intended for conservation projects -- yet consistently diverted to other purposes. We’re closer to adopting a new consciousness for today’s world, that our lives are made richer if surrounded by more nature, rather than more extracted resources."

Media Statements  

Statement: U.S. Senate votes to make major investment in America’s public lands

Wildlife & wild places

Statement: U.S. Senate votes to make major investment in America’s public lands

"This bill reflects what we all know -- protecting and enhancing our public lands is an essential part of the American ethos. By locking in $900 million a year for outdoor projects, plus providing a short-term infusion of money to address maintenance issues, the Senate is reaffirming that commitment to the natural world."

Media Releases  

Bringing Nature to Your Screen

Wildlife & wild places

Bringing Nature to Your Screen

Social distancing may mean putting a pause on certain outdoor adventures. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the natural world from the comfort of your own home. Consider watching some (or all) of these 14 nature films to make you feel like you are summiting a mountain or trekking through the Amazon.

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