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Environmen Colorado co-hosted author, activist and advocate Doug Peacock to discuss his most recent memoir
In Edward Abbey’s 1975 novel “The Monkey Wrench Gang,” the central character is George Washington Hayduke, a Vietnam veteran and rugged outdoorsman.
Abbey based the character Hayduke on a real-life character: Doug Peacock, who became Abbey’s close friend. Peacock became an author himself and, perhaps more importantly, devoted the rest of his life to saving America’s grizzly bears.
We recently co-hosted an event with Save the Yellowstone Grizzly at Explore Booksellers where Peacock read from his new memoir, Was it worth it? The title is a reference to whether a life spent fighting for the planet was, despite all the hardships and disappointments, worthwhile.
Spoiler alert: It was.
Read more in The Aspen Times.
Public Lands Campaign Director, Ellen Montgomery and Doug Peacock before the event at Explore BooksellersPhoto by TPIN Staff | Used by permission
Make your year-end donation before midnight tonight and your gift will be matched, up to $100,000 nationwide. Will you join our hive?
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Energy Conservation & Efficiency