Connecticut Legislative Committee Blocks Wind Power – Again

Media Releases

Response of Environment Connecticut Campaign Director, Chris Phelps

Environment Connecticut

Hartford, CT – “While wind power is growing by leaps and bounds nationwide, Connecticut has had a so-called ‘temporary’ moratorium on new wind power that is now stretching into its third year.”

The moratorium was enacted in 2011 ostensibly to give time for Connecticut to develop regulations governing the siting of wind turbines. Unfortunately, that regulatory process has been hijacked by forces with an extreme anti-wind power agenda. As a result, Connecticut sits on the sidelines while the wind industry creates jobs and clean pollution-free energy in our neighboring states, but not here.

Just last week the Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection announced Connecticut will buy 250 megawatts of new wind power – from Maine. Yet today, a majority of the legislature’s regulation review committee inexplicably voted to block adoption of the proposed regulations that would allow wind power projects to be built here in Connecticut. This same committee has rejected these regulations and extended the wind power moratorium repeatedly over the past year. Their actions are blocking renewable energy jobs, and a renewable energy future, for Connecticut.

“Drive across Connecticut and you will see power plant smokestacks spewing pollution into the air we breathe in every corner of the state. Yet wind power opponents are worried about seeing wind turbines spinning in the distance? Seriously? That’s ridiculous.” said Environment Connecticut’s Chris Phelps. “The legislators who voted today to kill wind power in Connecticut need a reality check.”

“It’s time for Governor Malloy and legislative leaders from both parties to step in and put an end to the obstructionism of the extreme anti-wind power voices who are standing in the way of a renewable energy future for Connecticut.”
