
Jim, the Photographer | CC-BY-2.0

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How to save energy in your home this winter

Steps you can take to lower heating bills, make your home more comfortable and reduce pollution by saving energy.

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The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is still wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico


The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is still wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico

Fourteen years after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the wildlife and ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico have still not recovered. As scientists continue to uncover new and disturbing things about the long-term impacts of the spill, proposals currently on the table to increase offshore drilling show that the lessons of Deepwater Horizon have not been learned.


What is instant solar permitting?

Solar power

What is instant solar permitting?

Rooftop solar is too often hampered by bureaucratic red tape. Hear from Environment America's Johanna Neumann and the SolarAPP+ Foundation's Matthew McAllister as they tackle some of the barriers to rooftop solar and how instant permitting streamlines rooftop solar.

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