Tomorrow: Public comments to protect the Keys
Ocean lovers from across the country will have a chance to tell Sanctuary managers to protect the Florida Keys
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary is a national treasure—home to mangroves, seagrasses, and the only barrier reef off the continental U.S. But climate change, water pollution, coral disease, and overuse have taken a toll on the once vibrant ecosystems of the Keys.
Right now, the Sanctuary’s managers are in the process of updating their protections for the Keys’ most sensitive habitats, and they want to hear from the public on what protections should look like in the coming years.
The first and only virtual opportunity to speak directly with Sanctuary staff will happen on Tuesday, August 30 at 6pm et. Folks who call in will have three minutes to speak up about why they love the Keys and what they want the Sanctuary to do to better protect the ocean life that calls them home.
Environment Florida staff will be calling in and have worked with our allies to get conservation-minded voices on the meeting. If you want to share your story about why the Keys matters to you, you can register here and reach out to Kelsey Lamp ([email protected]) for talking points and more information.

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