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Jenna Stevens
Two bills to prevent drilling pass with bipartisan support
Environment Florida
St. Petersburg, FL — In a victory for our oceans, the U.S. House of Representatives approved two bills to prevent drilling off the coasts of the Atlantic, Pacific and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. These votes will protect marine ecosystems and coastal communities from the dangers of offshore drilling.
The bills, Rep. Francis Rooney’s Protecting and Securing Florida’s Coastline Act, and Rep. Joe Cunningham’s Coastal and Marine Economies Protection Act both passed with bipartisan support.
Jenna Stevens, federal advocate with Environment Florida, issued the following statement:
“Today, the House has drawn a line in the sand: It’s not worth jeopardizing our magnificent marine animals — our whales, dolphins and sea turtles — and our coastal communities in the pursuit of oil we increasingly don’t need. We know all too well here in Florida that whenever and wherever we drill, we put our marine life and our pristine beaches at risk of a spill.
“It’s fantastic to see bipartisan support in the House for protecting our oceans. In an era where renewable energy is on the rise, and where our oceans are feeling the increasingly acute effects of global warming and drilling, we need our decision-makers to act to safeguard our nation’s waters.
“Floridians of all political stripes want to keep our beaches oil-free, experience the wonder of seeing whales breach, and pass on a cleaner, healthier ocean to our children. We encourage the Senate to pick up the legislation.”