The bald eagle is America’s national bird
Always a symbol of America, the bald eagle is officially our national bird. And it's doing well, thanks to conservation efforts.
We’re focused on building a greener, healthier future, but we shouldn’t miss the positive environmental stories we’re seeing — and making — along the way.
Always a symbol of America, the bald eagle is officially our national bird. And it's doing well, thanks to conservation efforts.
Energy Conservation & Efficiency
Thanks to our supporters, we won significant victories for wildlife and the climate this year.
Join us to learn about how you can create less waste and give gifts that are kind to our environment this holiday season.
Power grids with high integration of wind and solar technologies show improved resilience during extreme weather, new study finds
Here are three reasons for hope despite the threat of the climate crisis.
Data also shows significant increases in battery storage, EV registrations & charging points; highlights rapid solar growth in southeastern states