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State Director, Environment Georgia
Environment Georgia Research & Policy Center
The City of Decatur and DeKalb Co. are home to the third Solarize Decatur-DeKalb officially launched last night to a packed room in the City of Decatur Rec Center. The Community Solarize program aims to facilitate major savings by leveraging the power of bulk purchasing. For the next four months businesses, homeowners and municipal buildings will be encouraged to undergo a solar evaluation and hopefully sign a contract to install solar. Pricing is based on a tier system; more participation helps to bring the price down for everyone.
“I’m so proud our community can serve as the home to the third Community Solarize program in Georgia,” said City of Decatur Mayor Patti Garrett who welcomed the crowd. “The program sync’s well with our cities own sustainability goals and leadership.”
The organizers of the campaign, which include Decatur environmental leaders from the Decatur Environmental Sustainability Board, Environment Georgia, Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL), the Georgia Chapter of the Sierra Club, Solar CrowdSource, and community activists from DeKalb County applauded the turnout and the interested shown online, where over 230 DeKalb Co. residents had signed-up before the program launched.
Attendees of last nights launch heard from Creative Solar, the residential installer chosen by Solarize Decatur-DeKalb, and from Hannah Solar, the commercial installer, about the materials the installers will use and the process and price participants in the program can expect. SunTrust and BOND Community Credit Union were also on hand to talk about financing options available to residents interested in financing a solar system.
“Solar is taking off around the country,” said Jennette Gayer the director of Environment Georgia. “Unfortunately, we are behind in DeKalb Co. where we have around 60 solar installs, we hope this program can triple that number and really make the City of Decatur and DeKalb Co. solar leaders in Georgia.”
Moving forward, residents of DeKalb Co. have until Dec. 31st to sign up for a free solar evaluation for their home, business or place of worship. There will be several future workshops and more information can be found at