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Whale songs share similiarities to human language
New science illuminates new reasons for us to appreciate the wonder of whale songs

Two new right whale calves spotted off coasts of NJ, FL
The two new right whale calves were spotted with their mothers Accordion and Cashew this week, bringing the season's total calves to nine.

First-time right whale mother “Check Mark” seen with calf
The seventh right whale calf of the 2024-2025 right whale calving season was spotted off the coast of Amelia Island, FL

A sad anniversary: Revisiting a young right whale’s death after being tangled in fishing gear
January 28 marks one year since right whale #5120 washed ashore dead

Right whales could live to be 130 but their median lifespan is just 22
A new study highlights the tremendous potential for North Atlantic right whales – if fishing gear and fast boats didn’t kill them first

Guide to planting a pollinator-friendly garden

Clean Water Act on Trial

10 steps Whole Foods can immediately take to reduce single-use plastic

Citizen’s Guide to Reducing Energy Waste

Reconnecting Nature

New Life for the Ocean

Journey Through the Tongass