A sad anniversary: Revisiting a young right whale’s death after being tangled in fishing gear
January 28 marks one year since right whale #5120 washed ashore dead
Can you imagine a world filled with more wildlife and wild places? So can we. And we’re working together to make it happen.
Every minute, we’re losing two football fields worth of wild lands, and too many animal species face extinction. It’s up to us to turn things around. We imagine an America with more mountaintops where all we see is forests below, with more rivers that flow wild and free, more shoreline where all we hear are waves. An America with abundant wildlife, from butterflies and bees floating lazily in your backyard, to the howl of a coyote in the distance, to the breach of a whale just visible from the shore. Together, we can work toward this better future.
January 28 marks one year since right whale #5120 washed ashore dead
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Grand Teton joins the Right Whale Mama Hall of Fame, becoming one of just five mothers who have been seen with nine or more calves
A forgotton collection of baleen helped Smithsonian scientist discover evidence of the stress caused by a resumption of whaling.
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Two of the three injured whales are likely to die from the entanglements