City of Atlanta Passes 100% Clean Energy Resolution

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Atlanta Becomes the Largest City in the Southeast with 100% goal

Environment Georgia

Atlanta—The Atlanta City Council passed a resolution today that commits the city to generating  100 percent of the electricity consumed in the City through renewable energy resources and associated technologies by 2035. The City’s own facilities would need to be powered by 100 percent clean energy by 2025. Atlanta is now the largest city in the southeast with a  100% clean electricity goal, St. Petersburg, FL is the only other city in the southeast with a similar goal.  The resolution passed unanimously.

In August  2016 Environment Georgia held a lunch and learn at Georgia Tech with Dr. Marilyn Brown around the issue of 100 percent clean energy in Georgia.  At the event Environment Georgia released “We Have the Power: 100% Renewable Energy for a Clean, Thriving America.”

Environment Georgia’s Director, Jennette Gayer, testified during the Council hearing in favor of the resolution and offered the following statement:

“Burning oil, gas and coal has polluted our air, water and land for decades. Now it’s changing our climate even faster than scientists feared it would. We can have healthier communities right now and a livable future for kids growing up today. But to get there, we need to transform the way we produce and consume energy.

With over 200 businesses, cities and countries committing to 100% clean energy now is the time for Atlanta to be a leader. The adoption of the resolution in favor of a 100 percent clean electricity goal is an important first step towards a clean energy future.” 
