Jennette Gayer
State Director, Environment Georgia
State Director, Environment Georgia
Environment Georgia
Jekyll Island, GA—Today the Attorney General released an opinion on a recommendation that was produced by one of the taskforce’s working to rewrite Jekyll Island’s Master Plan. The recommendation found that the Island was over the 35% developed land mass limitation that is required by law.
Attorney General Olens found that this is not the case by finding that calculation of the Jekyll Island’s “land” to be divided 65/35 between undeveloped and developed could include the marsh that is adjacent to Jekyll Island.
Below is a statement from Jennette Gayer, State Advocate with Environment Georgia, and member of the Jekyll Island Master Plan Taskforce:
“Most visitors to Jekyll Island would not mistake Jekyll’s marsh for land, but the question of whether it is to be counted as land is of upmost importance and could increase the developable footprint on the island by over 600 acres. That is why today’s Attorney General opinion, which finds that marsh and land are the same thing when calculating landmass on Jekyll is disappointing.
Jekyll Island is one of the most accessible yet wild parts of Georgia’s shore and the conversations taking place in the Master Plan task force meetings have focused on how to keep it that way. Statements from the Attorney General that encourage public input before any action is taken to expand development combined with assurances from the Jekyll Island Authority that there are no plans for development beyond the existing developed footprint are heartening and we look forward to continuing to push for protection of Jekyll’s wild landscapes.”