POLL: Majority of voters in Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux’s district support ‘Build Back Better’ plan, especially climate, clean energy provisions

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All-important Independent voters strongly favor passage of second investment plan

Environment Georgia

(Atlanta, GA) — Up to $3.5 trillion in investments proposed in the Build Back Better Act now before Congress are getting strong support from voters in the suburban Atlanta congressional district of Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux, according to a new survey. The poll reveals even stronger majorities for the Build Back Better Act’s climate and clean energy provisions.   

The new poll of voters in Georgia’s 7th Congressional District revealed significant majorities back several proposed “Build Back Better” (BBB) investments designed to create jobs, address climate change, and improve our nation’s healthcare and education systems.

The poll found that 54 percent of voters overall – including 65 percent of Independents – support the BBB plan. The provisions included in the plan specifically designed to address the climate crisis were particularly popular among voters: 

  • 72 percent support reinstating laws requiring polluters to fund the clean-up of their industry’s toxic pollution (“polluters pay” laws).

  • 64 percent support accelerating the adoption of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power by making new renewable energy tax incentives available to individuals and businesses and creating a program for electric companies to transition to clean energy sources.

  • 53 percent support transitioning from gasoline-powered vehicles to clean electric vehicles by providing rebates for people purchasing electric vehicles, and making those vehicles easier to recharge by building a network of electric vehicle charging stations.

More than 60 percent of voters overall said it is important that Congress address climate change by reducing carbon pollution and promoting clean energy. Among Democratic voters, climate change only trailed COVID-19 as their top national priority. 

“Georgians are experiencing the climate crisis every day and they know it’s only worsening. They also know the costs of inaction far outweigh the cost of acting now and, in this moment, we have an opportunity to enact policies to help us avoid the most catastrophic impacts,” said Environment Georgia State Director Jennette Gayer. “Strong majorities of Rep. Bourdeaux’s constituents are making very clear they support the Build Back Better Act’s climate and clean energy investments to begin to tackle this enormous challenge. This is the right bill at the right time and the price tag, whatever it ends up being, will be a bargain compared to the financial, public health and environmental costs we’ll have to deal with down the road if we don’t pass the bill.”

Voters also expressed their support for funding mechanisms to pay for investments in the BBB plan. Two-thirds (66%) of voters favor eliminating various corporate tax loopholes as well as tax credits and subsidies for fossil fuel companies. Voters also strongly support increases in the corporate tax rates from 21% to 26.5% and an increased tax rate for people with incomes of more than $400,000 per year.

Environment Georgia, Environment America, and the Climate Action Campaign, in collaboration with Change Research, conducted the poll of 437 registered voters across Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux’s 7th congressional district from September 22-26, 2021. A public memo outlining the full results of the survey can be found here.
