Solar Freedom Bill Passes the Senate Unanimously

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Environment Georgia

Atlanta, GA – Today HB 57 by Rep. Mike Dudgeon that will allow Georgians to lease their roof space to solar companies passed the State Senate. The legislation is now headed to the Governor’s desk for a signature.

“Today is good day for rooftop solar in Georgia,” said Jennette Gayer, Director of Environment Georgia. “Solar power has been on a roll in Georgia, we supported this legislation because it will make it easier for homes and businesses to put solar on their roof.”

Earlier this year Environment Georgia relased Star Power: The Growing Role of Solar Energy in Georgia which found that Georgia has over 1,246,341 rooftops that could host solar and could generate 15% of Georgia’s electricity with solar by 2030.

“Rooftop solar has fallen behind large utility scale arrays in Georgia,” said Gayer, “I’m excited to see this legislation help tip the scales toward more rooftop solar in cities around Georgia, we urge the Governor to sign the bill without delay.”

