Statement: Nearly $20 Million for EV charging in Georgia

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Newly announced formula funding from U.S. Department of Transportation to accelerate GA’s EV market

Environment Georgia

Atlanta, GA — The U.S. Department of Transportation announced Thursday that Georgia will receive $ 19,978,342 for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. Lack of available electric vehicle charging is a major barrier preventing people from making the switch to an electric car. This new funding will create a better network of EV charging across Georgia and help address global warming pollution by growing the EV market.

Environment Georgia estimates that Georgia will need an additional 1,644 fast chargers and 23,235 Level 2 chargers by 2030 to meet anticipated demand. Level 2 chargers plug into a 240 volt outlet like a washer/dryer unit and can fully charge a vehicle in three to eight hours. In addition to installing more EV charging in Georgia, policymakers can do more to bring down the upfront cost of EVs, according to Environment Georgia.

 Environment Georgia’s state director Jennette Gayer issued the following statement:

 “Building a statewide and national network of EV charging stations is just what Georgia needs to make the  transition to electric vehicles. It gives Georgians the right infrastructure to reduce air pollution and tackle the climate crisis by switching to zero-emission vehicles,” said “Tragically, pollution from cars, trucks and other vehicles cuts short an estimated 58,000 lives every year. This step toward an all-electric, zero-emission future is essential to ensure cleaner air for all.” 
