Emily Kowalski


Outreach & Engagement Manager, Environment Illinois Research & Education Center

Started on staff: 2010
B.A., Boston University

Emily manages the marketing and public engagement strategy for Environment Illinois’s campaigns, including our campaign to protect the Great Lakes from plastic pollution. Emily lives in Chicago where she enjoys knitting and biking.

Posts by Emily Kowalski
Chicagoans want to get the lead out

Clean water

Chicagoans want to get the lead out

Parents, environmentalists, policymakers and concerned citizens rally at Daley Plaza to support efforts to get the lead out of drinking water.

Interview with an urban beekeeper

Save the bees

Interview with an urban beekeeper

Bees fill an important role in ecosystems as pollinators — even in urban environments. A field trip with an urban beekeeper in Chicago helped to highlight why bees bee-long in cities too.

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