Senators Propose Comprehensive Bill To Get Off Oil
Environment Iowa
Washington, D.C. – The week before Americans celebrate Independence Day, Senators Jeff Merkley, Tom Carper, Michael Bennett and Tom Udall have introduced the Oil Independence for a Stronger America Act. Environment America’s Staff Attorney Daniel Gatti issued the following statement in response:
“It is time to declare our independence from oil. The cost of our oil dependence has grown out of control, from the outrageous prices we pay at the pump, to the pollution endangering our health and contributing to global warming, to catastrophic events like the Gulf Oil Spill. We applaud Senators Merkley, Udall, Bennett and Carper for their leadership with this broad plan to move away from oil and its disastrous consequences.
“If enacted, this bill would be the most ambitious effort ever put forth to reduce our oil dependence, cutting our largest source of global warming pollution, cleaning our air, and strengthening our economic and national security. It would create a national goal of reducing our addiction to oil by over 8 million barrels every day, and establish a National Energy Security Council to ensure that we meet that goal. Saving 8 million barrels of oil per day would reduce America’s emissions of global warming pollution by over a billion metric tons per year, the equivalent of 15% of our total national emissions.
“This bill would invest in the technology and the infrastructure that would make the United States the leader in domestically produced clean energy. The bill would help inspire the next revolution in automobile technology, providing billions in funding for electric vehicles that create far less pollution and consume no oil at all. It would redirect transportation infrastructure spending towards projects that provide families and business with cleaner transportation choices. All these steps would create jobs, reduce the trade deficit, and save Americans billions of dollars—all while protecting our health and our environment.
“The Oil Independence for a Stronger America Act represents a critical investment in America’s future. Environment America looks forward to working with Senators Merkley, Udall, Bennett and Carper to make this vision for our nation a reality.”