Go Big On Offshore Wind
Enough wind blows off our coasts to meet our entire country’s electricity needs twice over. All we need to do is harness it.

Whether it’s Cape Cod, the Outer Banks or along the Pacific Coast Highway, you’ve felt the winds that seem to blow more steadily and strongly at the beach than anywhere else. Tapping into them is key to repowering our lives with clean, renewable energy.
In the past few years, a number of states on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts have made commitments to offshore wind — enough, in fact, to power more than 34 million homes by 2035. But given the enormous potential across all our coasts, these commitments barely scratch the surface.
Wind technology is advanced, affordable and proven. Wind power prices are steadily dropping. Unlocking more of offshore wind power’s potential depends on the leadership of coastal states, their governors and federal regulators. But it also depends on you.
You can help make your state part of the solution by adding your voice to our call on your governor to set ambitious targets for offshore wind.
Groups urge continued offshore wind progress
Biden administration greenlights nation’s largest offshore wind farm to date

Senior Director, Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy, Environment America