Environment Maine Criticizes State Senate Passage of Resolution on Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline
Similar Pipeline Proposal Now Targets Maine, Threatening Sebago Lake and Casco Bay
Environment Maine
Augusta, Maine—The State Senate today passed by a vote of 17-15 a resolution sponsored by Senator Jon Courtney (R-York) calling on President Obama and Congress to rubber stamp the Keystone XL Pipeline, the proposed tar sands oil pipeline from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast. Environment Maine Director Emily Figdor released the following statement in response:
“This resolution recklessly calls on President Obama and the U.S. Congress to short circuit environmental and safety reviews for the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline. Today’s resolution sets a dangerous precedent for Maine, since a similar project is being planned to send tar sands oil from Alberta to Portland, Maine, a move which could pose major threats to the Androscoggin River, Sebago Lake, and Casco Bay—and the people, wildlife, and industries that rely on them.
“Let’s be clear that TransCanada’s own analysis shows that the Keystone XL pipeline would likely increase gas prices for Americans. The only winner would be Big Oil, and so it’s no surprise that this resolution comes straight out of the playbook of the American Legislative Exchange Council, the D.C.-based corporate lobbying group funded by Big Oil.
“We urge House lawmakers to reject this giveaway to Big Oil, especially given the threat that a similar proposed project poses to Maine’s coast, key industries, public health, and wildlife.”