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Carissa Maurin
Governor Mills is looking to the future with her comprehensive climate bill
Environment Maine

Today Governor Janet T Mills announced a climate action bill, L.R. 2478, “An Act to Create the Maine Climate Council to Assist Maine to Mitigate, Prepare for and Adapt to Climate Change,” sponsored by Senator David Woodsome (R-York). This bill aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 and 45% by 2030. It also aims to power Maine’s electricity sector with 100% renewable energy by 2050 and by 80% by 2030. The Maine Climate Council will include working groups to that will focus on the broad impacts of climate change, including a scientific and technical working group,a transportation working group, and a coastal and marine working group. The Climate Council will report progress to the public and update the Maine State Climate Plan every four years.
Environment Maine’s Director Carissa Maurin issued the following statement:
“Under the leadership of our new governor, Maine is clearly ready to take serious action to avert the worst impacts of global warming. Our state has so much at stake, from the vital lobster industry to our beautiful shoreline and forests. We look forward to working with the governor and our fellow Mainers to get clean energy on the grid, electrify our cars and buses, and so much more. Thank you, Governor Mills, for your bold commitment to combat climate change.”
“Maine needs to shift to 100 percent renewable energy to address our largest environmental challenges. Renewable energy makes us safer and healthier and protects our communities from global warming and hazardous air pollution.”
“The public is increasingly enthusiastic about moving forward towards 100 percent renewable energy. We are excited that Maine is working to move America toward a clean and renewable future.”
“Governors across the country, now joined by Gov. Mills, are telling the world that the United States is serious about addressing the climate crisis and making significant, measurable progress to cut carbon pollution.”
Environment Maine is a citizen-based environmental advocacy organization committed to defending our environment through independent research, tough-minded advocacy and spirited grassroots action.