Vote for Brooke Lierman, green champion!
Brooke Lierman is the green champ Maryland needs. Let’s elect her as Comptroller.
It’s time to vote for green champion Brooke Lierman for Maryland Comptroller!
- If you have a mail-in ballot, return it by mail, at a polling place, or with a drop box on or before Tuesday, July 19.
- Early vote polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm through Thursday, July 14.
- The last day to vote is Election Day, Tuesday, July 19th. Find your polling place.
- If you need to register to vote you can do so with proof of address at an early voting site in your county or on Election Day at your polling place.
Environment Maryland staff have worked with Brooke for years in her capacity in the Maryland General Assembly. She has done so much to support public transportation and clean energy, and fought to reduce plastic waste.
Let’s go elect Brooke Lierman!
This message has been authorized and paid for by Environment Maryland, Environment America’s Maryland affiliate, 2209 Maryland Ave., Suite D, Baltimore, MD 21218, President Wendy Wendlandt. This message has not been authorized or approved by any candidate.
Wendy Wendlandt
Senior Vice President and Political Director, The Public Interest Network; President, Environment America
As president of Environment America, Wendy is a leading voice for the environment in the United States. She has been quoted in major national, state and local news outlets for nearly 40 years on issues ranging from air pollution to green investing. She is also a senior vice president with The Public Interest Network. She is a founding board member of Green Corps, the field school for environmental organizers, and Green Century Funds, the nation’s first family of fossil fuel free mutual funds. Wendy started with WashPIRG, where she led campaigns to create Washington state’s model toxic waste cleanup program and to stop the nation’s first high-level nuclear waste dump site. She is a 1983 graduate of Whitman College. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and dog and hikes wherever and whenever she can.