Right whales could live to be 130 but their median lifespan is just 22
A new study highlights the tremendous potential for North Atlantic right whales – if fishing gear and fast boats didn’t kill them first
Home to diverse wildlife from the smallest krill to the biggest whale, our country’s oceans — and the ecosystems they support — are worth preserving for future generations.
A new study highlights the tremendous potential for North Atlantic right whales – if fishing gear and fast boats didn’t kill them first
Two of the whales spotted off NC, Mass. coasts expected to die because of entanglement
Separating fact from fiction when it comes to offshore wind’s impacts on whales
Here's the background on September's sad news about Chiminea – a female right whale – spotted entangled.
Right whales spend the summer traveling. Here are just a few of the whales spotted this summer along the coast.
The Antiquities Act has played a crucial role in protecting many of America's most treasured landscapes. We take it for granted at our peril.