Energy activists bring the case for more renewables to the State House
Environment Massachusetts
Energy activists bring the case for more renewables to the State House
BOSTON, MA – Energy activists, solar industry employees, students and citizens from across the Greater Boston region lobbied their Representatives on Thursday to update policies in the Green Communities Act to increase renewable energy production. “We know the policies in the Green Communities Act, particularly net metering and long-term contracting, increase renewable energy generation. Now it is time to support our success by using our experience to update these policies,” said Larry Chretien of Mass Energy, one of the lobby event’s sponsors.
The Clean Energy Lobby Day, organized as a centerpiece to Energy Week Boston, aimed to ensure the Massachusetts House of Representatives approves the policy updates already passed unanimously by the Senate in March of this year. Ben Wright of Environment Massachusetts stated, “We can’t let politics get in the way of important net-metering reforms that have strong support among the Commonwealth’s citizens, industry, and our Senators, as well.”
Also present on Beacon Hill on Thursday were representatives from Green Berkshires and Wind Wise Massachusetts, which are both anti-wind groups arguing against the proposed reforms. “I didn’t expect anti-wind opposition to these reforms,” said Matt Lord, a member of the Lexington Global Warming Action Coalition. “This bill is the best bet for solar and small hydro energy development in the Commonwealth. It goes to show these anti-wind activists care more about themselves than sound environmental and energy policy.”
“The diverse coalition of organizations and individuals that advocated for additional renewable energy generation shows why Massachusetts is a nationwide leader in energy policy,” noted Vincent Maraventano of Massachusetts Interfaith Power and Light, a faith-based organization open to people of all faiths and dedicated to environmental justice and care of creation. Other lobby day attendees came with a wide range of interests, including environmental activists from Environment Massachusetts and the Sierra Club, solar industry representatives, students from Northeastern University School of Law, and other concerned citizens of the Commonwealth.