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Senior Director, Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy, Environment America
BOSTON – Environment Massachusetts, a statewide environmental organization, announced today the endorsement of six candidates for federal office in the 2014 elections. The candidates are:
- Ed Markey (U.S. Senate)
- Jim McGovern (District 2)
- Niki Tsongas (District 4)
- Katherine Clark (District 5)
- Seth Moulton (District 6)
- Bill Keating (District 9)
Support from the candidates on key issues, including global warming, open space, clean air, clean water and clean energy led to today’s endorsements.
Environment Massachusetts’ Johanna Neumann made the following statement:
“To ensure a healthy environment, we need more voices in Congress to fight for action on global warming, measures to clean our air, stop pollution in our waterways and promote clean energy like wind and solar. These candidates have shown commitments to solving these pressing environmental concerns for Massachusetts and the country.
“On November 4, voters in Massachusetts will be able to make a clear choice on the ballot for the environment by supporting these candidates for Congress. To make sure we tackle our climate crisis, make progress on clean air and clean water, support Massachusetts’ parks and bring more wind and solar energy online, the 2014 election is a critical time to exercise our right to vote.”