Ben Hellerstein
Former State Director, Environment Massachusetts
Former State Director, Environment Massachusetts
Boston – Following reports that Congressman Joe Kennedy will officially launch his campaign to challenge Senator Ed Markey this weekend, environmental organizations representing tens of thousands of Massachusetts residents reaffirmed their support for Markey.
“We’re lucky to have one of the nation’s strongest climate champions, Ed Markey, representing Massachusetts in the U.S. Senate. Thanks to Senator Markey, our air is cleaner, our children are healthier, and we are producing more and more of America’s energy from the sun and the wind,” said Ben Hellerstein, State Director for Environment Massachusetts. “At this moment of great urgency, there’s no one better than Ed Markey to fight for clean air, a safe climate, and a healthy future.”
“Senator Markey provided the boldest leadership on climate change in history when he filed the Green New Deal resolution in partnership with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” said Craig S. Altemose, Executive Director of 350 Mass Action. “The next six years are make-or-break for the climate, and we need Ed Markey in the U.S. Senate to drive home bold, comprehensive, and equitable climate action.”
“As co-author of the Green New Deal, Senator Markey is arguably our most important climate champion in the U.S. Senate, and we aim to help keep him there.” said Deb Pasternak, Chapter Director of Massachusetts Sierra Club. “His leadership on writing legislation to address the climate crisis, along with his legislative knowledge, makes him the key leader to pass comprehensive and just federal climate policy.”
“Senator Markey has been a tireless advocate for Massachusetts’ environment throughout his distinguished career in public service,” said Elizabeth Henry, President of the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund. “He is focused on bringing more clean energy jobs to our state and has helped to make Massachusetts a national leader. Over the years, no one has done more for climate and energy policy than Ed Markey.”
“Sunrise Boston is fully committed to supporting Senator Markey’s reelection,” said Yanisa Techagumthorn, Sunrise Boston’s Electoral Team Lead. “His vision for a clean, healthy, just future has inspired young people across the country. We want to make sure the Senator has the opportunity to continue work on the Green New Deal and ensure a livable climate for future generations.”
Because of Senator Markey’s leadership, Americans have increasingly greater access to renewable energy, pollution-free wateways, fuel-efficient automobiles, and public lands. He is a spirited, effective member of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Senate Democratic Special Committee on the Climate Crisis. During his tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives, he co-authored the only piece of comprehensive climate legislation to ever pass a chamber of Congress. He is also a proud signatory of the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, swearing off political contributions from coal, oil, gas, and utility executives so that the people can be sure that his climate policies are for people, not polluters.
Senator Markey has been endorsed by countless progressive leaders and organizations including Environment Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action, the Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters, and the Sunrise Movement, along with over 70% of the members of the Massachusetts legislature, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
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