Organizations voice support for energy reporting requirements for large buildings

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Ben Hellerstein

Former State Director, Environment Massachusetts

Environment Massachusetts

Environment Massachusetts, MASSPIRG, and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council sent a letter today asking legislative leaders to include a requirement for the owners of large buildings to report their energy use in any climate bill passed this session. The letter says that this policy is the first step toward making large buildings (including office buildings, apartment buildings, and university and hospital campuses) more energy-efficient.

Six legislators — Rep. Tom Golden, Rep. Patricia Haddad, Rep. Bradley Jones, Sen. Michael Barrett, Sen. Cynthia Creem, and Sen. Patrick O’Connor — have been appointed to a conference committee to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of climate legislation. The deadline for the committee to agree on a bill is January 5, the end of the current legislative session.

Read the letter here.