Media Contacts
Ben Hellerstein
Former State Director, Environment Massachusetts
Environment Massachusetts
Boston — The Massachusetts House of Representatives approved an energy bill today that would encourage the development of offshore wind farms off the coast of Massachusetts.
Ben Hellerstein, State Director for Environment Massachusetts, issued the following statement:
“Massachusetts is one step closer to harnessing clean, limitless energy from the winds off our shores. That’s a good reason to celebrate today. It’s also a positive sign that House leaders stood up to the pipeline companies and utilities, and rejected their demand for public subsidies to pay for new gas pipelines.
“But we can do much more. Getting 100 percent of Massachusetts’ energy from clean, renewable sources is within reach. We just need the political will to make it happen.
“As the Senate takes up this bill, we call on senators to accelerate the growth of clean energy by increasing the offshore wind procurement to at least 2,000 megawatts, and by restoring the full value of net metering credits to community and low-income solar projects. The Senate should also act to prohibit the use of public money to build or expand gas pipelines.
“Today’s House bill is a baby step towards a 100 percent renewable energy future. It’s time to start moving forward in leaps and bounds.”
Environment Massachusetts is the statewide, citizen-funded advocacy group working for a cleaner, greener, healthier future.