Save America’s Wildlife

Environment Massachusetts gathers petitions from the community

Environment Massachusetts heads to local farmers markets to gather support for the bees

Save the bees

Staff | TPIN
Environment Massachusetts Associates gathers petitions and generates buzz around saving the bees

As the farmers market season comes to a close, our Save the Bees campaign is ramping up. On October 30, Environment Massachusetts tabled at the East Boston Farmers Market to spread awareness about the harms of bee-killing neonics and what we are doing to save the bees.

Sharing a love of good produce and good weather, we talked to East Boston residents about the importance of bees to nature. Without our pollinators, we wouldn’t have the beautiful fall trees in between the blue tents or the wonderful fall fruit being sold at the market.

That’s why we’re asking Governor Healey to ban neonic-coated seeds. The petition signatures we gathered at the market will be added to many others we’re gathering around the state in support of this effort.

To learn more about our campaign, visit this article.

Reese Butcher
Reese Butcher

Former Associate, Environment Massachusetts

See the Campaign

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