Environment America
BOSTON — 200 community leaders from 45 U.S. states and affiliated islands are voicing their support for 100 percent clean, renewable energy. Environment America’s Voices for 100% Renewable Energy project, launched in 2017, brings elected officials, non-profit directors, academics, business owners, religious leaders, and others from across the nation together to call for a swift transition away from fossil fuels to 100 percent renewable energy.
“The American public knows that acting on climate change is an urgent priority, and given federal headwinds, that action will have to be at the local level,” said Environment America Clean Energy associate Allie Astor. “We are seeing local leaders, including the 200 involved in the Voices for 100% Renewable Energy project, step up in their communities and show that they’re ready to lead the way.”
The newest batch of additions to the project are not only voicing support for 100 percent renewable energy but also driving this transition to happen in their respective communities.
At the state level, Wisconsin’s Lieutenant Governor, Mandela Barnes, played a key role in the proposal made in early March to decarbonize the state’s electricity supply by 2050. He states, “We want to adopt policies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the impact fossil fuels have on our beautiful state.. Our policies will encourage businesses and communities to make smart energy choices. Wisconsin will lead the way when it comes to sustaining our Earth for future generations.”
At the city level, leaders from Keene, N.H., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Sarasota, Fla. have championed efforts in their communities to commit to 100 percent renewable energy. Sarasota has a commitment to meet 100 percent of their electricity needs with renewable sources by 2045. Stevie Freeman-Montes, Sustainability Manager for the City of Sarasota, attests, “I get asked all the time whether I think transitioning to 100% renewable energy is feasible. My answer is not only yes but that we must. If we can direct our collective focus on this one issue we can change the world we leave behind for our children and improve our current health and economy at the same time.”
College campuses are also embracing the vision of a future powered by 100 percent renewable energy sources. Last fall, the University of Richmond announced a plan to match 100 percent of its electricity needs with solar power. Andre Eanes, President of GreenUR at the University of Richmond, offered the following, “In my view, as well as that of the greater scientific community, transitioning toward renewable energy sources and practicing sustainable development are absolutely essential to our survival as a species… In the long term, the integrity of our magnificent global ecosystems, both marine and terrestrial alike, take priority over short-term profit maximization and the over-consumptive lifestyle that many associate with the ‘American dream.’”
All 200 Voices for 100% Renewable Energy and their stories can be found here.
Environment America is the national federation of statewide, citizen-based advocacy organizations working for a cleaner, greener, healthier future.