China announcement perfect capstone for an inspiring week of climate action
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Margie Alt
Environment America
WASHINGTON, D.C. – China will place limits on global warming pollution from three major sectors of its economy by 2017, transforming its energy system and implementing the largest cap-and-trade system in the world, Obama administration officials said last night. The official announcement from the world’s largest global warming polluter, to be made today at the White House, is the latest in a string of victories, both tangible and symbolic, for climate action this week. Environment America executive director Margie Alt issued the following statement:
“China’s announcement is the perfect capstone for an inspiring week in the cause for climate action. Major Fortune 500 companies pledging to get all of their energy from clean, renewable sources. The pope continuing to beat the drum for a “courageous and responsible effort” to avert climate catastrophe and “protect our common home” during his first-ever visit to the United States. Hillary Clinton coming out against the planet-warming Keystone XL pipeline. And today the world’s largest polluter issuing a plan to limit its carbon pollution and transform its energy system.
“This week has shown faith leaders, business leaders, and international leaders of all stripes to be committed to the task of slowing global warming. And contrary to the latest talking points from presidential candidates, congressional leaders, and others taking their cues from the polluters and climate deniers; this week has shown that task to be necessary and achievable.
“Ideally, every one of our political leaders — across party lines and up and down all levels of government— would heed the call of the public, the faith community, the business community, and the international community to enact global warming solutions. But China’s historic plan to curb its pollution is the latest sign that those who seek to block climate action are rapidly becoming footnotes in history. Ultimately, the fossil fuel interests and the politicians who answer to them will be passed by as the rest of the world marches toward bold measures to stem the climate crisis.”